Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Ethernet Operation
The Cisco ONS 15454 integrates Ethernet into a SONET tim e- divi sion mu ltipl exi ng ( TDM ) pl atf orm .
Unlike traditional transport products, which map Ethernet fra mes di rect ly ove r de dic ate d TD M
bandwidth, the ONS 15454 incorporates layer 2 switching to allow more efficient data tran sport over th e
existing SONET backbone.
This chapter describes the Ethernet capabilities of the ONS 15454, including:
Ethernet cards
Multicard and Single-card Etherswitch
Ethernet circuit combinations and configurations
VLAN and IEEE 802.1Q support
Spanning tree and IEEE 802.1D support
Ethernet performance and maintenance screens
Ethernet alarm thresholds (RMON)

9.1 Ethernet Cards

The ONS 15454 shelf assembly holds up to ten Ethernet cards in any multispeed slot. Ethernet cards
include the E100T-12, E100T-G, E1000-2 and E1000-2-G. The E100T-12 is the functional equivalent of
the E100T-G, and the E1000-2 is the functional equivalent of the E1000-2- G. A n ON S 15 454 u sing
XC10G cards requires the G versions of the Ethernet cards.
Ethernet card faceplates have two card-level LEDs and a pair of port-level LEDs next to each port.
Table9-1 Card-level LEDS
LED State Description
The red FAIL LED indicates that the cards processor is not ready or a
catastrophic software failure occurred on the Ethernet car d. As p ar t of the
boot sequence, the FAIL LED is turned on until the software deems the card
A green ACT LED provides the operational status of the E100T-G. When the
ACT LED is green it indicates that the Ethernet card is active and the
software is operational.