Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter4 IP Networking
ONS 15454 IP Addressing Scenarios
4.2 ONS 15454 IP Addressing Scenarios
ONS 15454 IP addressing generally has seven common scenarios or configurations. Use the scenarios
as building blocks for more complex network configurat io ns. Table 4 -1 provides a general list of items
to check when setting up ONS 15454s in IP networks. Addit iona l p roce dur es for t roub lesho ot ing
Ethernet connections and IP networks are provided in Chapter 9, Ethernet Operation.

4.2.1 Scenario 1: CTC and ONS 15454s on Same Subnet

Scenario 1 shows a basic ONS 15454 LAN configuration (Figure 4- 1). The ONS 15454s and CTC
computer reside on the same subnet. All ONS 15454s connect to LAN A, and all ONS 15454s have DCC
Note Instructions for creating DCC connections are provided in Chapter 5, SONET Topologies within
the BLSR, UPSR and linear ADM procedures.
Table4-1 General ONS 15454 IP Networking Checklist
Item What to check
PC/workstation Each CTC computer must have the following:
Netscape 4.61 or Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher
JRE 1.3.0_C (PC) or JRE 1.3.0_01 (Solaris) for Releases 2.2.2 or higher;
JRE 1.2.2_05 or higher (Windows), or 1.2.2_03 or higher (Solaris) f or
Releases 2.2.1 or earlier
Modified Java policy file
See the Computer Requirements section on page 2-2 for additional
Link integrity Link integrity exists between:
CTC computer and network hub/switch
ONS 15454s (backplane wire-wrap pins or RJ-45 port) and network
Router ports and hub/switch ports
ONS 15454
hub/switch ports Set the hub or switch port that is connected to the ON S 15 454 to 10 Mbps
Ping Ping the node to test connections between computers and ONS 15454s.
IP addresses/subnet
masks ONS 15454 IP addresses and subnet masks are set up correctly.
Optical connectivity ONS 15454 optical trunk ports are in service; DCC is enabled on eac h trunk