Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter10 Alarm Monitoring and M anagement
Viewing ONS 15454 Alarms
Figure10-3 Highlighted circuit appears
10.2.3 Conditions Tab
The Conditions tab displays retrieved fault conditions. A fault is a problem detected by ONS 15454
hardware or software. When a fault occurs and continues for a minimum time period, it raises a faul t
condition, which is a flag showing whether this particular fault currently exists on the ONS 15454. Fault
conditions include all existing conditions, whether the severity is that of an alarm (Critical, Major or
Minor) or a condition (Not Reported or Non Alarmed.) See the trouble notifications information in the
Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide for more information on the cla ssifications
for alarms and conditions.
Displaying all existing fault conditions is helpful while troubleshooting the ONS 15454. The Conditions
tab does not adhere to Telcordia guidelines for reporting alarms, events, and conditions. Alarm reporting
under the Alarms tab is Telcordia-compliant. Retrieve and Display Conditions

At the node view, click the Conditions tab and the Retrieve Conditions button to retrieve the current set
of all existing fault conditions from the ONS 15454, as maintained by the alarm manager. Users can
perform the same operation at the card view for the card level and at the network view for the network