Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter6 Circuits and Tunnels
Cross-Connect Card Capacities
In the Figure 6-10 example, three STSs are used at the source and drop nodes and four STSs are used
at pass-through nodes. In Figure 6-12, six STSs are used at the source and drop no des a nd fo ur
STSs at the pass-through nodes.
6.8.2 VT Tunnels
To maximize VT matrix resources, you can tunnel VT1.5 circuits through O N S 1 545 4 pas s -thr ough
nodes (nodes that are not a circuit source or drop). VT1.5 tunnels provide two benefits:
They allow you to route VT1.5 circuits through ONS 1 545 4s t h at have X C c ards . (V T1.5 c ircu its
require XCVT or XC10G cards at circuit source and drop nodes.)
When tunneled through nodes with XCVT or XC10G cards, VT1.5 t un nels do no t use VT m atr ix
capacity, thereby freeing the VT matrix resources for other VT1.5 circuits.
Figure 6-13 shows a VT tunnel through the XCVT and XC10G matrices. No VT1.5-mapped STSs are
used by the tunnel, which can carry 28 VT1.5s. However, the tunnel does u se two STS ma tri x por t s on
each node through which it passes.
Figure6-13 A VT1.5 tunnel
Figure 6-14 shows a six-node ONS 15454 ring with two VT tunnels. One tun nel carr ies VT1. 5 ci rcui ts
from Node 1 to Node 3. The second tunnel carries VT1.5 ci rcui ts from N ode 1 to N od e 4. Ta ble 6-5
shows the VT1.5-mapped STS usage at each node in a ring bas ed on pr ote cti on sc heme and use of V T
tunnels. In the Figure 6-14 example, the circuit travels west through Nodes 2, 3, and 4. Sub seq uen tly,
VT-mapped STS usage at these nodes is greater than at Nodes 5 and 6.
STS Matrix
VT Tunnel
VT1.5 Matrix