Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
AppendixD Glossary
Endpoint of a network connection or a junction common to tw o or mor e l ines in a ne two rk. N od es c an
be processors, controllers, or workstations. Nodes, which vary in routing and other functional
capabilities, can be interconnected by links, and serve as control points in the network. Node is
sometimes used generically to refer to any entity that can access a network. In this manual the term
node usually refers to an ONS 15454.
negative pointer justification count
Operations, Administration, Maintenance, and Provisioning. Provides the facilities and personnel
required to manage a network.
Optical amplifier
A device that amplifies an optical signal without converting the signal from optical to electric al and back
again to optical energy.
Optical receiver
An opto-electric circuit that detects incoming lightwave signals and converts them to the appropriate
signal for processing by the receiving device.
Equipment that establishes voice contact between a central office and carrier repeater locations.
Output contacts (alarms)
Triggers that drive visual or audible devices such as bells and light s. Out put c on tac ts c an c ontr ol oth er
devices such as generators, heaters, and fans.
Passive devices
Components that do not require external power to manipulate or react to electronic output. Passive
devices include capacitors, resisters, and coils.
Path Layer
The segment between the originating equipment and the terminating e quipment. This path segment may
encompass several consecutive line segments or segments between two SONET devices.
Portion of a cell, frame, or packet that contains upper-layer information (data).