Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
About This Manual
Related Documentation
Related DocumentationCisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide, Release 3.1
Cisco ONS 15454 TL1 Command Guide, Release 3.1
Cisco ONS 15454 Product Overview, Release 3.1
Release Notes for the Cisco ONS 15454, Release 3.1
Cisco Warranty Services for ONG Products
Cisco ONS 15454 Quick Configuration Guide
Cisco ONS 15454 Quick Installation Guide
Cisco ONS 15454 Quick Reference for TL1 Commands, Release 3.1
Related products:
Chapter6, “Circuits and
Tunnels”Describes how to create standard STS and VT1.5 circuits as well
as VT tunnels, multiple drop circuits, and monitor circuits. The
chapter also explains how to edit UPSR circuits and create path
traces to monitor traffic.
Chapter7, “Card Provisioning”Provides pr ocedu res for c hanging t he d efau lt tra nsmiss ion
parameters for ONS 15454 electrical and optical cards. The
chapter also includes provisioning the Alarm Interface
Controller card, enabling optical cards for SDH, and converting
DS-1 and DS-3 cards from 1:1 to 1:N card protection.
Chapter8, “Performance
Monitoring”Provides performance monitoring thresholds for ONS 15454
electrical and optical cards.
Chapter9, “Ethernet Operation”Explains how to use the Ethernet feature s of the ON S 15454,
including transporting Ethernet traffic over SONET, creating
and provisioning VLANs, protecting Ethernet traffic,
provisioning Multicard and Single-card EtherSwitch,
provisioning several types of Ethernet circuits, viewing Ethernet
performance data, and creating Ethernet remote monitor in g
(RMON) alarm thresholds.
Chapter10, “Alarm Monitoring
and Management”Explains how to view and manage alarms with CTC, which
includes viewing current and historical alarm data, creating
alarm profiles, and suppressing alarms. To find procedures for
clearing CTC alarms, see the “Alarm Troubleshooting” chapter
of the Cisco ONS 15454 Troubleshooting and Reference Guide.
Chapter11, “SNMP”Explains how Simple Network Managem ent Protocol (SNMP) is
used with the ONS 15454.
Appendix A, “Circuit Routing”Explains automated and manual circu it rou tin g in de ta il.
Appendix B, “Regulatory and
Compliance Requirements”Provides customer, industry, and government requirements met
by the ONS 15454. Installation warnings are also included.
Appendix C, “Acronyms”Defines commonly-used acronyms.
Appendix D, “Glossary”Defines commonly-used terms.
Chapter Number and Title Description