Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter9 Ethernet Operation
VLAN Support
Step 1 Display the CTC card view for the Ethernet card.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning > VLAN tabs (Figure9-22) .
Figure9-22 Configuring VLAN membership for individual Ethernet ports
Step 3 To put a port in a VLAN, click the port and choose either Tagged or Untag. Figure9-22 on page 9-25
shows Port 1 in the red VLAN and Port 2 through Port 12 in the default VLAN. Table 9-6 shows valid
port settings.
If a port is a member of only one VLAN, go to that VLANs row and choose Untag from the Port colum n.
Choose -- for all the other VLAN rows in that Port column. The VLAN with Untag selected can connect
to the port, but other VLANs cannot access that port.
If a port is a trunk port, it connects multiple VLANs to an external device, such as a switch, which also
supports trunking. A trunk port must have tagging (802.1Q) enabled for all the VLANs that connect to
that external device. Choose Tagged at all VLAN rows that need to be trunked. Choose Untag at one or
more VLAN rows in the trunk ports column that do not need to be trunked, for example, the default
VLAN. Each Ethernet port must attached to at least one untagged VLAN.
Step 4 After each port is in the appropriate VLAN, click Apply.
Table9-6 Port Settings
Setting Description
-- A port marked with this symbol does not belong to the VLAN.
Untag The ONS 15454 will tag ingress frames and strip tags from egress fram e s.
Tagged The ONS 15454 will handle ingress frames according to VLAN ID ; e gress
frames will not have their tags removed.