Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter1 Hardware Installation
Card Installation
1.12.2 Gigabit Interface Converter
GBICs are hot-swappable input/output devices that plug into a Gigabit Ethernet (E1000-2 or E 1000-2-G)
card to link the card with the fiber-optic network. Cisco provides two GBIC models: one for short reach
applications (part number 15454-GBIC-SX) and one for long-reach applications (1545 4-GBI C-LX).
The short reach, or SX model, connects to multimode fiber and the long re ach, o r LX mo del,
requires single-mode fiber. Because the GBICs are very similar in appearance, check the label on the
GBIC carefully before installing it.
For a description of GBICs and their capabilities, see Chapter9, Ethern et Op eratio n.

Procedure: Install Gigabit Interface Converters

Step 1 Remove the GBIC from its protective packaging.
Step 2 Check the part number to verify that the GBIC is the correct type for your network.
Step 3 Grip the sides of the GBIC with your thumb and forefinger a nd inse rt it in to t he sl ot on the front pa ne l
of the Gigabit Ethernet card (shown in Figure 1-30).
GBICs are hot-swappable and can therefore be installed/removed while the card/shelf assembly is
powered and running.
Note GBICs are keyed to prevent incorrect installation.