Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter9 Ethernet Operation
Ethernet Circuit Configurations
9.3.3 Hub and Spoke Ethernet Circuit Provisioning
This section provides steps for creating a hub and spoke Et herne t c irc uit con figur ati on . Th e hub and
spoke configuration connects point-to-point circuits (the spokes) to an aggregation point (the hub ). In
many cases, the hub links to a high-speed connection and the spok es ar e Eth erne t c ards. Figur e 9-14
illustrates a sample hub and spoke ring. Your network architecture may differ from the example.
Figure9-14 A Hub and Spoke Ethernet circuit

Procedure: Provision a Hub and Spoke Ethernet Circuit

Step 1 Display CTC for one of the ONS 15454 Ethernet circuit endpoi nts.
Step 2 Double-click the Ethernet card that will create the circuit.
Step 3 Click the Provisioning > Card tabs.
Step 4 Under Card Mode, check the Single-card EtherSwitch checkbox.
If Single-card EtherSwitch is not checked, check it and click Apply.
Step 5 Navigate to the other ONS 15454 endpoint and repeat Steps 2 4.
Step 6 Display the node view or network view.
Step 7 Click the Circuits tab and click Create.
The Circuit Creation (Circuit Attributes) dialog box opens (Figure 9-7 on page 9-8).
Step 8 In the Name field, type a name for the circuit.
Step 9 From the Type pull-down menu, choose STS.
Note The types VT and VT Tunnel do not apply to Ethernet circuits.
Step 10 Choose the size of the circuit from the Size pull-down menu.
Step 11 Verify that the Bidirectional checkbox is checked and click Next.
The Circuit Creation (Circuit Source) dialog box opens.
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VLAN test
VLAN test
VLAN test
VLAN test
VLAN test
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