Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Performance Monitoring
Performance monitoring parameters (PMs) are used by service provid ers to gather, store, threshold, and
report performance data for early detection of problems. PM terms are defined for both electrical cards
and optical cards.
This chapter provides the:
Using the Performance Monitoring Screen section on page8-1
Changing Thresholds section on page 8-9
Enabling Intermediate-Path Performance Monitoring section on page8-10
Pointer Justification Count Parameters section on page 8-12
Performance Monitoring for Electrical Cards section on page 8-14
Performance Monitoring for Optical Cards section on page 8-33
For information about:
Ethernet PMs, see Chapter9, Ethernet Operation
Troubleshooting UPSR switch counts, see the alarm troubleshooting information in the Cisco ONS
15454 Troubleshooting and Reference Guide, Release 3.1
Editing UPSR circuits, see Chapter 6, Circui ts a nd Tunnels.
Digital transmission surveillance, see Telcordias GR-1230-CORE, GR-820-CORE, and
GR-253-CORE documents and the ANSI document entitled Digital Hierarchy - Layer 1 In-Service
Digital Transmission Performance Monitoring

8.1 Using the Performance Monitoring Screen

The following sections describe how to use basic scre en elements such as tabs, menus, and informational
columns. Figure 8-1 shows the Performance tab of Cisco Transport Controller (CTC) card-level view.