Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter3 Node Setup
Creating Users and Setting Security
Saving the new configuration causes the TCC+ cards to reboot. During the reboot, a Saving Changes -
TCC Reset message displays on the LCD. The LCD returns to the normal alternating display after the
TCC+ reboot is complete.
3.4 Creating Users and Setting Security
The CISCO15 user provided with each ONS 15454 can be used to set up other ONS 15454 users. You
can add up to 500 users to one ONS 15454. Each ONS 15454 user can be assigned one of the following
security levels:
Retrieve users can retrieve and view CTC information but cannot set or mod ify pa rame ter s.
Maintenance users can access only the ONS 15454 maintenance options.
Provisioning users can access provisioning and maintenance options.
Superusers can perform all of the functions of the ot her se cur ity l eve ls a s w el l a s set nam es,
passwords, and security levels for other users.
Table 3 -1 shows the actions that each user can perform in node view.
Table3-1 ONS 15454 Security Levels—Node View
CTC Tab Subtab Actions Retrieve Maintenance Provisioning Superuser
Alarms n/a Synchronize alarms X X X X
Conditions n/a Retrieve X X X X
History Session Read only
Node Retrieve Alarms/Events X X X X
Circuits n/a Create /De le te/E di t/ U pgr ade X X
Path Selector Switching X X X
Search X X X X
Switch retrieval X X X X
Provisioning General Edit X
EtherBridge Spanning Trees: Edit X X
Thresholds: Create/Delete X X
Network All X
Protection Create/Delete/Edit X X
Browse groups X X X X
Ring All (BLSR) X X
Security Create/Delete X
Change password same user same user same user all users
SNMP Create/Delete/Edit X
Browse trap destinations X X X X
Sonet DCC Create/Delete X
Timing Edit X X