Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter8 Performance Monito ring
Changing Thresholds
All interfaces on port x: Clearing all interfaces on port x erases f rom the card and the scr een display
all PM counts associated with all combinations of the radio buttons on the selected port. This means
the 15-minute near-end and far-end counts ar e clear ed, and 2 4-ho ur n ear -e nd an d fa r -en d c ounts are
cleared from the card and the screen display.
All interfaces on card: Clearing all interfaces on the card erases from the card and the screen
display all PM counts for data and ports on all interfaces.
Step 5 From the Zero Data menu, click Ye s to clear the selected statistics.
Note The Ethernet cards are the only cards without the Cle ar button option.
8.2 Changing Thresholds
Thresholds are used to set error levels for each PM. You can program PM threshold ranges from the
Provisioning > Threshold tabs on the card view. For procedures on provisioning card thresholds, such as
line, path, and SONET thresholds, see Chapter7, Card Provisioning.
During the accumulation cycle, if the current value of a performance moni torin g param eter rea ches or
exceeds its corresponding threshold value, a threshold crossing alert (TCA) is generated by the node and
sent to CTC. TCAs provide early detection of performance degradation. When a threshold is crossed,
the node continues to count the errors during a given accumulation period. If 0 is entered as the threshold
value, the performance monitoring parameter is disabled. Figure 8-7 shows the Provisioning >
Threshold tabs for an OC-48 card.