Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter10 Alarm Monitoring and Management
Alarm Profiles
Profile names must be unique. If you try to import or name a profile that has the sam e nam e as an ot her
profile, CTC adds a suffix to create a new name.
Step 9 Click OK.
A new alarm profile (named in Step 5) is created. This profile duplicates the severities of the default
profile and is added as a new column on the far right-hand side .
Step 10 Modify (customize) the alarm profile:
a. In the new alarm profile column, click in a row that contains the alarm sev erity you wan t to chan ge.
b. From the menu, select the desired severity.
c. Repeat Steps a and b for each alarm that needs to be changed.
d. After you have assigned the properties to your new alarm profil e, c lick the n ew al arm pr ofile to
highlight it and click the Store button.
e. In the Store Profile(s) dialog box, select a node or nodes where the profile will be stored and/or
specify a file on the workstation.
f. Click OK.
Note You can also clone alarm profiles shown under the Available tab. Alarm Profile Menus
The Alarm Profiles tab displays two menus on the right-hand side, Node/Profi le Ops a nd Prof ile Mi sc,
which include six alarm profile buttons. Table 10- 5 lists and describes each of the alarm profile buttons. Alarm Profile Editing
Table10-6 list s and describes the five profile editing options available when you right-click in an alarm
profile column.
Table10-5 Alarm Profile Buttons
Heading Button Description
Node Profile Ops Load Loads a profile to either a node or a file
Store Saves profiles on a node (or nodes) or in a file
Delete Deletes profiles from a node
Profile Misc. Compare Displays differences between alarm profiles
(i.e. individual alarms that are not configured
equivalently between profiles)
Available Displays all of the profiles available on each
Usage Displays all of the entities present in the
network and which profile(s) each is using