Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
Chapter5 SONET Topologies
Linear ADM Configurations
c. Verify that the working slot is carrying traffic. If it is, continue to Ste p (d). If not, clear the conditions
that prevent the card from carrying working traffic before proceeding.
d. From the Switch Commands, select Clear. A Confirm Clear Operation dialog is displayed.
e. Click Yes on the confirmation dialog box.
Step 5 Repeat Step 4 for each group in the 1+1 Protection Groups list at all nodes that will be converted.
Step 6 For each node, delete the 1+1 OC-N protection group that supports the linear ADM span:
a. Click the Provisioning > Protection tabs.
b. From the Protection Groups list, choose the group you want to del ete. Clic k Delete.
c. Click Yes on the con firm ation dia log box .
d. Verify that no traffic disruptions are indicated on the SONET test set. If disruptions occur, do not
proceed. Add the protection group and begin troubleshooting proced ures to find out the cause of the
Note Deleting a 1+1 protection group may cause unequipped path (UNEQ-P) a lar ms to o ccur.
Step 7 Physically remove one of the protect fibers running between t he m iddl e a nd end nod es. In th e
Figure 5-38 example, the fiber running from Slot 13/Node 2 to Sl ot 1 3/N ode 3 i s remov ed . The
corresponding end-node trunk card will display an LOS alarm.
Figure5-38 Converting a linear ADM to a BLSR
Step 8 Physically reroute the other protect fiber so it connects the two end nodes. In t he Fi gure 5-38 example,
the fiber between Node 1/Slot 5 and Node 2/Slot 5 is rero uted to co nne ct Node 1 /Slot 5 to No de
3/Slot/ 13.
If you are leaving the OC-N cards in place, go to Step 13. If you are removing the cards, compl ete Steps
9 12. (In this example, cards in Node 2/Slots 5 and 13 are removed. )
Slot 6 to Slot 6
ONS 15454
Node 1
Slot 5 to Slot 5
Slot 12 to Slot 12
ONS 15454
Node 2
Slot 13 to Slot 13
ONS 15454
Node 3
Slot 6
ONS 15454
Node 1 ONS 15454
Node 2 ONS 15454
Node 3
Slot 6
(West) Slot 12
(East) Slot 12
(West) Slot 13
Slot 5