Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter2 Software Installation
Working with the CTC Window
Figure2-6 A four-node network displayed in CTC network view CTC Node Colors
The colors of nodes displayed in network view indicate the status of the node Network View Tasks
Right-click the network view graphic area or a node, span, or domain (domains are descri bed in the
Creating Domains section on page 2-17) to display shortcut menus. Tabl e 2-7 lists the actions that are
available from the network view.
Icon color
node status
Bold letters
indicate login
node; asterisk
topology host
Dots indicate
the selected
Table2-6 Node Status
Color Alarm Status
Green No alarms
Yellow Minor alarms
Orange Major alarms
Red Critical alarms
Grey with node
name Node is initializing
Grey with IP
address Node is initializing, or a problem exists with IP routing from node to CTC