Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter2 Software Installation
Working with the CTC Window Node View Card Shortcuts
If you move your mouse over cards in the graphic, tooltips display additional information about the card
including the card type, card status (active or standby), the number of critical, major, and minor alarms
(if any), and the alarm profile used by the card. Right-clicking a card reveals a shortcut menu, which you
can use to open, reset, or delete a card. Right-click a slot (grey) to pre-provision a card (i. e., provisi on
a slot before installing the card). Node View Tabs
Use the node view tabs and subtabs, shown in Ta ble 2- 5, to provision and manage the ONS 15454.
2.6.2 Network ViewNetwork view (Figure 2-6) allows you to view and manage ONS 15454s and ONS 15327 s that have DCC
connections to the node that you logged into and any login node groups you may have selected. (N ode s
with DCC connections to the login node will not display if you selected Exclude Dynamically
Discovered Nodes on the Login dialog box.) The graphic area displays a background image with colored
ONS 15454 icons. The icon colors indicate the node status (Tabl e 2-6). Green lines show DCC
connections between the nodes. Selecting a node or span in the graphic area displays information about
the node and span in the status area.
Table2-5 Node View Tabs and Subtabs
Tab Description Subtabs
Alarms Lists current alarms (CR, MJ, MN) for the
node and updates them in real-time none
Conditions Displays a list of standing conditions on the
node. none
History Provides a history of node alarms including
date, type, and severity of each alarm. The
Session subtab displays alarms and events for
the current session. The Node subtab displays
alarms and events retrieved from a fixed-size
log on the node.
Session, Node
Circuits Create, delete, edit, and map circuits none
Provisioning Provision the ONS 15454 node General, Ether Bridge, Network,
Protection, Ring, Security, SNMP,
Sonet DCC, Timing, Alarming
Inventory Provides inventory information (part number,
serial number, CLEI codes) for cards installed
in the node. Allows you to delete and reset
Maintenance Perform maintenance tasks for the node Database, Ether Bridge, Protection,
Ring, Software, XC cards,
Diagnostic, Timing, Audit, Routing