Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter2 Software Installation
CTC Navigation
Note CTC displays a card view for all ONS 15454 cards except the TCC+, XC, XCVT, and XC10G cards.
Card view provides access to the following tabs: Alarms, History, Circuits, Provisioning, Maintenance,
Performance, and Conditions. (The Performance tab is not displayed for the AIC card.) The subta bs,
fields, and information displayed under each tab depend on the card type selected.
Figure2-12 CTC card view showing an DS3N-12 card
2.7 CTC Navigation
Different navigational methods are available within the CTC w indo w to acc ess vie ws a nd perf orm
management actions. Commands on the View menu and CTC toolbar allow you to quickly move between
network, node, and card views. You can double-click and right-click objects in the graphic area and
move the mouse over nodes, cards, and ports to view popup status infor mat ion. Fi gure 2-13 shows an
Card identification
and status