Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter2 Software Installation
Viewing CTC Table Data
2.8 Viewing CTC Table Data
Much of the ONS 15454 data that CTC displays, such as alarms, alarm hist ory, circuits, and in vent ory,
is displayed in tables. You can change the way the CTC tables are displayed. For exa mpl e, y ou ca n:
Rearrange or hide table columns
Sort tables by primary and secondary keys in descending or ascendi ng order. (Sorting and hiding is
available for all read-only tables.)
Export CTC table data to spreadsheets and database management p rog rams t o per for m ad dit iona l
data manipulation. To export table data, see the Printing and Exporting CTC D ata section on
page 2-26.
To change the display of a CTC table, left-click or right-click a column header in the table. Right-click
a column header to display a shortcut menu that has table column display options (Figure2-14).
Right-Click Network view graphic areaDisplays a menu where you can create a new
domain, change the position and zoom level of the graphic image, and
change the background image and color.
Node in network viewDisplays a menu where you can open the n ode,
provision circuits, update circuits with a new node, and reset the node icon
position to the longitude and latitude set on the Provisioning > General tabs.
Span in network viewDisplays a menu where you can view information
about the source and destination ports, the spans protection scheme, and
the spans optical or electrical level. You can also display the Circuits on
Span dialog box, which displays additional span information and allows
you to perform UPSR protection switching.
Card in node viewDisplays a menu where you can open, delete, reset, and
change cards. The card that is selected determines the commands that are
Move Mouse Cursor Over node in network viewDisplays a summary of node al arm s a nd
provides a warning if the node icon has been moved out of the map range.
Over span in network viewDisplays circuit (node, slot, port) and
protection information
Over card in node viewDisplays card type and card status
Over card port in node viewDisplays port number and port status
Table2-9 CTC Window Navigation (continued)
Technique Description