Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter9 Ethernet Operation
Ethernet Circuit Configurations
9.3 Ethernet Circuit Configurations
Ethernet circuits can link ONS nodes through point-to-point, shared packet ring, or hub and spoke
configurations. Two nodes usually connect with a point-to-point configuration. More than two nodes
usually connect with a shared packet ring configuration or a hub a nd spok e c onfi gu ratio n. T his sec tio n
includes procedures for creating these configurations and also explains how to create Ethernet manual
cross-connects. Ethernet manual cross-connects allow you to cross connect indi vidual Ethernet circuits
to an STS channel on the ONS 15454 optical interface and als o to br idge n on-ONS SONE T net work
Note Before making Ethernet connections, choose a circuit size from STS-1, STS-3c, STS-6c, or ST S-12c.
Note When making an STS-12c Ethernet circuit, Ethernet cards must be configured as single-card
EtherSwitch. Multi-card mode does not support STS-12c Ether net cir cui ts.

9.3.1 Point-to-Point Ethernet Circuits

The ONS 15454 can set up a point-to-point (straight) Ethernet circuit as Single-card or Multicard.
Multicard EtherSwitch limits bandwidth to STS-6c of bandwidth between two Ethernet circuit points,
but allows adding nodes and cards and making a shared p acke t r ing. Sing le-c a rd Et her Swit ch al low s a
full STS-12c of bandwidth between two Ethernet circuit points.
Table9-4 ONS 15454 and ONS 15327 Ethernet Circuit Combinations
Single-Card 15327 Multicard
Single-Card 15454 Multicard
six STS-1s three STS-1s one STS 12c six STS-1s
two STS 3cs one STS 3c two STS 6cs two STS 3cs
one STS 6c one STS 6c and
two STS 3cs one STS 6c
one STS 12c one STS 6c and
six STS-1s
four STS 3cs
two STS 3cs and
six STS-1s
twelve STS-1s