Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter8 Performance Monito ring
Performance Monitoring for Electrical Cards
Note SONET path PMs will not count unless IPPM is enabled. For additional information, see the Enable
Intermediate-Path Performance Monitoring procedure on pa ge 7-25. The far-end IPPM feature is
not supported in Software R3.1. However, SONET path PMs can be monitored by logging into the
far-end node directly.
Table8-2 Near-End Section PMs for the EC1 Card
Parameter Definition
CV-S Section Coding Violation (CV-S) is a count of BIP errors detected at the
section-layer (i.e. using the B1 byte in the incoming SONET signa l). Up
to eight section BIP errors can be detected per STS-N frame; each error
increments the current CV-S second register.
ES-S Section Errored Seconds (ES-S) is a count of the number of seconds when
at least one section-layer BIP error was detected or an SEF or loss of
signal (LOS) defect was present.
SES-S Section Severely Errored Seconds (SES-S) is a count of the seconds when
K (see GR-253-CORE for value) or more section-layer BIP e rr ors wer e
detected or a severely errored frame (SEF) or LOS defect was present.
SEFS-S Section Severely Errored Framing Seconds (SEFS-S) is a count of the
seconds when an SEF defect was present. An SEF defect is expected
during most seconds where an LOS or loss of frame (LOF) defe ct is
present. However, there may be situations when that is not the case, and
the SEFS-S parameter is only incremented based on the presence of the
SEF defect.
Table8-3 Near-End Line Layer PMs for the EC1 Card
Parameter Definition
CV-L Near-End Line Code Violation (CV-L) is a count of BIP errors detected at
the line-layer (i.e. using the B2 bytes in the incoming SONET signal). Up
to 8 x N BIP errors can be detected per STS-N frame, with each error
incrementing the current CV-L second register.
ES-L Near-End Line Errored Seconds (ES-L) is a count of the seconds when at
least one line-layer BIP error was detected or an alarm indication
signal-line (AIS-L) defect was present.
SES-L Near-End Line Severely Errored Seconds (SES-L) is a count of the
seconds when K (see GR-253 for values) or more l ine -la yer BIP er ror s
were detected or an AIS-L defect was present.