Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter7 Card Provisioning
Provisioning Electrical Cards
Procedure: Modify Line and Threshold Settings for the DS3XM-6 Card
Step 1 Display the DS3XM-6 in CTC card view.
Step 2 Click the Provisioning tab.
Step 3 Depending on the setting you need to modify, click the Line, Line Thrshld, Elect Path, or Sonet
Thrshld subtab.
Note See Chapter1 0, Alarm Monito ring and Ma nagement for information about the Alarm
Behavior tab.
Step 4 Modify the settings shown in Tab le 7-5. For drop-down lists, select an item from the list. For numerics,
double-click the field and type the new number.
Tab le 7-5 DS 3X M- 6 Pa ra me te rs
Subtab Parameter Description Options
Line Port # Port number 1 - 6
Port Port name To enter a name for the port, click the
cell and type the name. To change a
name, double-click the cell, then edit
the text.
Line Type Defines the line framing type M23 - default
Line Coding Defines the DS-1 transmission
coding type that is used B3ZS
Line Length Defines the distance (in feet)
from backplane connection to
the next termination point
0 - 225 (default)
226 - 450
Status Places port in or out of service Out of Service (default)
In Service
Line Thrshld CV Coding violations Numeric. Defaults:
387 (15 minutes)
3865 (1 day)
ES Errored seconds Numeric. Defaults:
25 (15 minutes)
250 (1 day)
SES Severely errored seconds Numeric. Defaults:
4 (15 minutes)
40 (1 day)
Loss Loss of signal Numeric. Defaults:
10 (15 minutes)
10 (1 day)