Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter7 Card Provisioning
Provisioning Electrical Cards
Elect Path
Thrshld CV Coding violations Numeric. Defaults (DS3, Pbit Near
End only; DS3 CPbit, Near and Far
382 (15 minutes)
3820 (1 day)
ES Errored seconds Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
25/250 (DS3 Pbit Near End only;
DS3 CPbit, Near and Far End)
65/648 (DS1, Near End only)
SES Severely errored seconds Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
4/40 (DS3 Pbit Near End only;
DS3 CPbit, Near and Far End)
10/100 (DS1, Near End only)
SAS Severely errored frame/alarm
indication Signal Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
2/8 (DS3 Pbit Near End only; DS3
CPbit, Near and Far End)
2/17 (DS1, Near End only)
AIS Alarm indication signal Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
10/10 DS1, Near End; DS3, Near
& Far End
0/0 DS1 Far End
UAS Unavailable seconds Numeric. Defaults (15 min/1 day):
10/10 (DS3 Pbit Near End only;
DS3 CPbit, Near and Far End)
10/10 (DS1, Near End only)
Table7-5 DS3XM-6 Parameters (continued)
Subtab Parameter Description Options