Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter9 Ethernet Operation
Ethernet Circuit Configurations
Step 5 Navigate to the other ONS 15454 Ethernet circuit endpoint.
Step 6 Repeat Steps 2 5.
Step 7 Click the Circuits tab and click Create.
The Circuit Creation (Circuit Attributes) dialog box opens (Fig u re 9-7).
Figure9-7 Provisioning an Ethernet circuit
Step 8 In the Name field, type a name for the circuit.
Step 9 From the Type pull-down menu, choose STS.
Step 10 The VT and VT Tunnel types do not apply to Ethernet circuits.
Step 11 Choose the size of the circuit from the Size pull-down menu.
The valid circuit sizes for an Ethernet Multicard circuit are STS-1, STS-3c and STS6c.
The valid circuit sizes for an Ethernet Single-card circuit are STS-1, STS-3c, STS6c and STS12c.
Step 12 Verify that the Bidirectional checkbox is checked and click Next.
The Circuit Creation (Circuit Source) dialog box opens (F igur e 9-8).
Figure9-8 Choosing a circuit source
Step 13 Choose the circuit source from the Node menu. Either end node can be the circuit s our ce .