Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter11 SNMP
SNMP Community Names
11.6 SNMP Community Names
You can provision community names for all SNMP requests from the SNMP Trap Destination dialog box
in CTC (see the SNMP Support section on page 11-3). In effect, SNMP considers any request valid
that uses a community name matching a community name on the list of provisioned SNMP trap
destinations. Otherwise, SNMP considers the request invalid and drops it.
If an SNMP request contains an invalid community name, the request silently drops and the MIB
variable (snmpInBadCommunityNames) increments. All MIB variables managed by the agent grant
access to all SNMP requests containing a validated community name.
11.7 SNMP Remote Network Monitoring
The ONS 15454 incorporates Remote Network Monitoring (RMON) to allow network operators to
monitor the ONS 15454 E10/100-4 cards. For more information on Eth erne t RM ON s, see Remote
Monitoring Specification Alarm Thresholds section on page 9-30. This feature is not apparent to the
Table11-4 Traps Supported in the ONS 15454
Trap From RFC# Description
ColdStart RFC1213-MIB Agent up, cold start
WarmStart RFC1213-MIB Agent up, warm start
AuthenticationFailure RFC1213-MIB Community string does not match
NewRoot RFC1493/
Sending agent is the new root of the spanning tree
TopologyChange RFC1493/
A port in a bridge has changed from Learning to
Forwarding or Forwarding to Blocking
EntConfigChange RFC2037/
The entLastChangeTime value has changed
ds1xLineStatusChange RFC2495/
A dsx1LineStatusChange trap is sent when the value of
an instance dsx1LineStatus changes. The trap can be
used by an NMS to trigger polls. When the line status
change results from a higher-level line status change (ex.
DS-3), no traps for the DS-1 are sent.
dsx3LineStatusChange RFC2496/
A dsx3LineStatusLastChange trap is sent when the value
of an instance of dsx3LineStatus changes. This trap can
be used by an NMS to trigger polls. When the line status
change results in a lower-level line status change (ex.
DS-1), no traps for the lower-level are sent.
risingAlarm RFC1757/
The SNMP trap that is generated when an alarm entry
crosses the rising threshold and the entry generates an
event that is configured for sending SNMP traps.
fallingAlarm RFC1757/
The SNMP trap that is generated when an alarm entry
crosses the falling threshold and the entry generates an
event that is configured for sending SNMP traps.