Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
IP Networking
This chapter explains how to set up Cisco ONS 15454s in internet protoco l (IP) netw orks a nd incl ud es:
Scenarios showing Cisco ONS 15454s in common IP network configurations
Procedures for creating static routes
Procedures for using the Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) protocol
The chapter does not provide a comprehensive expl ana tio n o f IP n et wor king c once pts and pr oc ed ures.
Note To set up ONS 15454s within an IP network, you must work with a LAN admi nistra tor or o ther
individual at your site who has IP networking training and e xperi enc e. To learn more abo ut IP
networking, many outside resources are available. IP Routing Fundamen tals , by Mark Sporta ck
(Cisco Press, 1999), provides a comprehensive introduction to routing concepts and p roto cols in IP

4.1 IP Networking Overview

ONS 15454s can be connected in many different ways within an IP environment:
They can be connected to LANs through direct connections or a router.
IP Subnetting can create ONS 15454 node groups, which allow you t o prov is ion non-D CC
connected nodes in a network.
Different IP functions and protocols can be used to achieve sp eci fic net work go als. Fo r e xamp le,
Proxy Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) enables one LAN-connected ONS 15454 to serve as a
gateway for ONS 15454s that are not connected to the LAN.
You can create static routes to enable connections among multiple CTC sessions with ONS 15454s
that reside on the same subnet but have different destination I P a dd resses.
If ONS 15454s are connected to OSPF networks, ONS 15454 network information is automatically
communicated across multiple LANs and WANs.