Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter3 Node Setup
Creating Protection Groups
Step 5 Click OK and click Apply.
3.5 Creating Protection Groups
The ONS 15454 provides several card protection methods. When you set up protection for ONS 15454
cards, you must choose between maximum protection and maximum slot availability. The highest
protection reduces the number of available card slots; the highest slot avail ability reduces the protection.
Table 3 -3 shows the protection types that can be set up for ON S 1 5454 ca rds.

Procedure: Create Protection Groups

Step 1 From the CTC node view, click the Provisioning > Protection tabs.
Step 2 Under Protection Groups, click Create.
Step 3 In the Create Protection Group dialog box, enter the followi ng:
NameType a name for the protection group. The name can have up to 32 alpha-numeric characters.
TypeChoose the prot ection t ype: 1:1, 1: N, or 1+1. Th e protec tion sele cted de termine s the card s
that are available to serve as protect and working cards. For example, if you choose 1:N protection,
only DS-1N and DS-3N cards are displayed.
Protect Card or PortChoose the protect card (if using 1:1 or 1:N) or protect port (if using 1+1)
from the list.
Table3-3 Protection Types
Type Cards Description
1:1 DS-1
Pairs one working card with one protect card. Install the prot ect card in
an odd-numbered slot and the working card in an even-numbered slot
next to the protect slot towards the center, for example: protect in Slot
1, working in Slot 2; protect in Slot 3, working in Slot 4; protect in Slot
15, working in Slot 14.
1:N DS-1
Assigns one protect card for several working cards. The m axi mu m is
1:5. Protect cards (DS1N-14, DS3N-12) must be installed in Slots 3 or
15 and the cards they protect must be on the same side of the shelf.
Protect cards must match the cards they protect. For example, a
DS1N-14 can only protect DS1-14 or DS1N-14 cards. If a failure clears,
traffic reverts to the working card after the reversion time has elapsed.
1+1 Any optical Pa irs a work ing optical por t with a protect optical por t. Protect por ts
must match the working ports. For example, Port 1 of an OC-3 card can
only be protected by Port 1 of another OC-3 card. C ar ds d o n ot need to
be in adjoining slots.
Unprotected Any Unprotected cards can cause signal loss if a card fails or incurs a signal
error. However, because no card slots are reserved for protection,
unprotected schemes maximize the service availabl e for use on t he ONS
15454. Unprotected is the default protection type.