Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
SD threshold 6-3, 6-7
secondary sources A-2
setting up 3-6
tasks per level 3-6
viewing 2-14
SEFS parameter 7-20
SEFS-S parameter
EC-1 card 8-15
OC-12, OC-48, and OC-192 parameters 8-39
OC-3 card 8-34
SES-L parameter
EC-1 card 8-15
OC-12, OC-48, OC-192 cards 8-39, 8-42
OC-3 card 8-17, 8-35, 8-37
SES parameter, provisioning 7-20
SES-S parameter
EC-1 card 8-15
OC-12, OC-48, and OC-192 cards 8-39
OC-3 card 8-34
SES-V parameter
DS-1 cards 8-21, 8-22
DS3XM-6 card 8-31, 8-33
setup wizard (CTC) 2-4
SF BER parameter, provisioning 7-18
SF threshold 6-3, 6-7
shared packet ring 9-10
shelf assembly
description 1-5
Bay Assembly 1-10
cable installation 1-52
dimensions 1-6
four-node configuration 1-9
installing 1-7
power and ground 1-28
specifications 1-64
shortest path 5-2
simple network management protocol see SNMP
simple network time protocol 3-2
single-card Etherswitch 9-5
slots see cards
attaching coaxial cables 1-38
connecting ferrites 1-62
connecting to a balun 1-40
description 1-19
installing 1-22
SNMP 11-1to 11-9
description 11-1
MIBs 11-5
remote network monitoring (RMON) 11-8
setting up 11-3
traps 11-6
SNTP 3-2
see CTC
finding the version number 3-19
installation 2-1
upgrading new version 1-48
CTC set up 2-4
disabling proxy service 2-8
JRE patch requirement 2-4
remote access 2-8
running the CTC setup wizard 2-4
data communication channels see DCC
K1 and K2 bytes 5-3
synchronization status messaging 3-14
timing parameters 3-12
topologies 5-1
source 6-2
line appearance on map 2-18
lockout 5-17
reversion (BLSR) 5-15
upgrade 2-17
view properties 2-17