Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter6 Circuits and Tunnels
Creating Circuits and VT Tunnels
Note In this chapter, cross-connect and circuit have the following meanings: Cross-connect refers to
the connections that occur within a single ONS 15454 to allow a circuit to enter and exit an ONS
15454. Circuit refers to the series of connections from a traffic source (where traffic enters the ONS
15454 network) to the drop or destination (where traffic exit s an ON S 15 454 net work ).
6.2 Creating Circuits and VT Tunnels
This section explains how to create STS and VT1.5 circuits a nd V T tunn els. For an ex plan ati on and
examples of circuits and VT tunnels, see the Cross-Connect Card Capacities sectio n on page 6-15. You
can create unidirectional or bidirectional, reverti ve or n on- re vert ive ci rcui ts. You can have circuits
routed automatically or you can manually route them. The auto range feature eliminates the need to
individually build circuits of the same type; CTC can create additional sequential circuits if you spec ify
the number of circuits you need and build the first circ uit .
You can provision circuits at any of the following points:
Before cards are installed. The ONS 15454 allows you to provision slots and circuits before
installing the traffic cards. (To provision an empty slot, right-click it and select a card from the
shortcut menu.) However, circuits will not carry traffic until you install the cards and place their
ports in service. For procedures, see the Install Optical, Electrical, and Ethernet Cards procedure
on page 1-48 and the Enable Ports procedure on page 3-10.
Cards are installed; ports are out of service. You must place the ports in service before circuits will
carry traffic.
Cards are installed, and their ports are in service. Circuits will carry traffic as soon as the signal is

Procedure: Create an Automatically Routed Circuit

Note If you want to route circuits on protected drops, cre ate th e card pr ote cti on group s b ef ore c r eat ing
circuits. See the Create Protection Groups procedure on page3-9.
Step 1 Log into an ONS 15454 and click the Circuits tab.
Tip You can also right-click a source node in network view, select Provision Circuit To, and choose the
circuit destination node from the menu.
Step 2 Click Create.
Step 3 In the Circuit Creation dialog box (Figure 6-1), complete the following fields:
Name(optional) Assign a name to the circuit. The name can be alphanumeric and up to 32
characters (including spaces). If you leave the Name field blank, CTC assigns a defaul t name to the
TypeSelect the type of circuit you want to create: STS, VT (VT1.5), or VT tunnel. The circuit type
determines the circuit-provisioning options that are displayed. See the VT1.5 Cro ss-Connec ts
section on page 6-16 and the VT Tunnels section on page6-19 for more information.