Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter6 Circuits and Tunnels
Creating Monitor Circuits
6.4 Creating Monitor Circuits
You can set up secondary circuits to monitor traffic on primary bidirectional circuits. Figur e 6-5 shows
an example of a monitor circuit. At Node 1, a VT1.5 is dropped from Port 1 of an EC1-12 card. To
monitor the VT1.5 traffic, test equipment is plugged into Port 2 of the EC1-12 card and a monitor circuit
to Port 2 is provisioned in CTC. Circuit monitors are one-way. The monitor circuit in Figure 6-5 is used
to monitor VT1.5 traffic received by Port 1 of the EC1-1 2 c a rd.
Note Monitor circuits cannot be used with EtherSwitch circuits.
Note For unidirectional circuits, create a drop to the port where the test equipment is attached.
Figure6-5 A VT1.5 monitor circuit received at an EC1-12 port

Procedure: Create a Monitor Circuit

Step 1 Log into CTC.
Step 2 In node view, select the Circuits tab.
Step 3 Select the bidirectional circuit that you want to monitor. Click Edit.
Step 4 On the Edit Circuit dialog box, click the Monitors tab.
Step 5 The Monitors tab displays ports that you can use to monitor the circuit selected in Step 3.
Step 6 On the Monitors tab, select a port. The monitor circuit displays traffic coming into the node at the
card/port you select. In Figure 6-5, you would select eithe r the DS 1-14 ca rd (to te st c irc uit tra ffic
entering Node 2 on the DS1-14) or the OC-N card at N ode 1 ( to t est ci rcui t t raffic e nte ring N ode 1 o n
the OC-N card).
Step 7 Click Create Monitor Circuit.
Step 8 On the Circuit Creation dialog box, select the destination node, slot, port, and STS for the monitored
circuit. In the Figure6-5 example, this is Port 2 on the EC1- 12 card. Cl ick Next.
Step 9 On the Circuit Creation dialog box confirmation, review the monitor circuit informa tion. Click Finish.
Step 10 On the Edit Circuit dialog box, click Close. The new monitor circuit displays on the Circuits tab.
EC1-12 OC-N
ONS 15454
Node 1
OC-N DS1-14
ONS 15454
Node 2
VT1.5 Drop
VT1.5 Monitor
Test Set
Port 1
Port 2
Class 5