Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter3 Node Setup
Viewing CTC Software Versions
HW Part #Card part number; this number is printed on the top of the card
HW RevCard revision number
Serial #Card serial number; this number is unique to each card
CLEI CodeCommon Language Equipment Identifier code
Firmware RevRevision number of the software used by the ASIC chip installed on the card
3.8 Viewing CTC Software Versions
CTC software is pre-loaded on the ONS 15454 TCC+ cards; therefore, you do not need to install
software on the TCC+. When a new CTC software version is re lea sed , you m ust fol low p roce dures
provided by the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) to upgrade the ONS 15454 software.
When you upgrade CTC software, the TCC+ stores the older CTC version as the protect CTC version,
and the newer CTC release becomes the working version. You can view the softw ar e ve rsio ns th at are
installed on an ONS 15454 by selecting the Maintenance t ab f ol low ed b y t he Soft wa re su bt ab. Sel ect
these tabs in node view to display the software installed on one node. Select the ta bs in network view to
display the software versions installed on all the network nodes.