Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
AppendixD Glossary
Electrical Interface Assemblies. Provides connection points for t he ONS 15454 and DS-1, DS-3, or EC-1
Electromagnetic Interference. Interference by electromagnetic signals that can cause reduced data
integrity and increased error rates on transmission channels.
The part of messaging that varies in composition from one transmittal step to another. It identifies the
message originator and potential recipients, documents its past, directs its subsequent move ment by the
Message Transfer System (MTS), and characterizes its content.
Express Orderwire. A permanently connected voice circuit between selected stations for technical
control purposes.
Ethernet switch
An Ethernet data switch. Ethernet switches provide the capability to increase the aggregate LAN
bandwidth by allowing simultaneous switching of packets between switch ports. Ethernet switches
subdivide previously-shared LAN segments into multiple networks with fewer stations per network.
External timing reference
A timing reference obtained from a source external to the communications system, such as one of the
navigation systems. Many external timing references are referenced to Coordinated Universal Time
Falling threshold
A falling threshold is the counterpart to a rising threshold. When the number of occurrences drops below
a falling threshold, this triggers an event to reset the rising threshold. See also rising threshold.
Fiber Distributed Data Interface. LAN standard, defined by ANSI X3T 9.5, spe cif ying a 10 0-M bps
token-passing network using fiber optic cable, with transmission distanc es of u p to 2 km . FDDI us es a
dual-ring architecture to provide redundancy.
Logical grouping of information sent as a data link layer unit over a transmission medi um. Often refers
to the header and trailer, used for synchronization and error control that surrounds the user data
contained in the unit.
Free run synchronization mode
Occurs when the external timing sources have been disabled and the ON S 15454 is receiving timing from
its Stratum 3 level internal timing source.