Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter7 Card Provisioning
Provisioning the Alarm Interface Controller
DescriptionEnter a description.
Step 4 To provision additional controls, complete Step 3 for each additional dev ice.
Step 5 Click Apply.
7.5.2 Provisioning AIC Orderwire
The AIC provides RJ-11 jacks to allow onsite personnel to communicate with one another using standard
phone sets. The AIC Local and Express orderwire channels are carried on the SONET Orderwire
Local orderwire is carried on the SONET Section layer E1 byte. Regenerators betwe en ONS 15454
nodes terminate the channel.
Express orderwire is carried on the E2 byte of the SONET Line layer.
If regenerators are not used between ONS 15454 nodes, local or express AIC orderwire channels can be
used. If regenerators exist, use the Express orderwire channel . You can provision up to four ONS 15454
OC-N ports for each orderwire path.
Caution When provisioning orderwire for ONS 15454s residing in a ri ng, d o n ot p rov isio n a co mple te
orderwire loop. For example, a four-node ring typically has east and west ports provisioned at all four
nodes. However, to prevent orderwire loops, provision two orderwire ports (ea st and west) at all but
one of the ring nodes.

Procedure: Provision AIC Orderwire

Tip Before you begin, make a list of the ONS 15454 slots and ports that require orderwire
Step 1 In CTC, open the AIC card view.
Step 2 Select the orderwire subtab, Local Orderwire or Express Orderwire, appropriate to the orderwire path
that you want to create.
The Local Orderwire subtab is shown in Figure 7-7 on page 7-30. Provisionin g procedures are the same
for both types of orderwire.