Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter9 Ethernet Operation
Ethernet Circuit Configurations
Figure9-15 Ethernet manual cross-connects
Procedure: Provision a Single-card EtherSwitch Manual Cross-Connect
Step 1 Display CTC for one of the ONS 15454 Ethernet circuit end point s.
Step 2 Double-click one of the Ethernet cards that will carr y the c ircu it.
Step 3 Click the Provisioning > Card tabs.
Step 4 Under Card Mode, verify that Single-card EtherSwitch is checked.
If the Single-card EtherSwitch is not checked, check it and click Apply.
Step 5 Display the node view.
Step 6 Click the Circuits tab and click Create.
The Circuit Creation (Circuit Attributes) dialog box opens (Figure 9-16).
Figure9-16 Creating an Ethernet circuit
Step 7 In the Name field, type a name for the circuit.
Step 8 From the Type pull-down menu, choose STS.
Note The types VT and VT Tunnel do not apply to Ethernet circuits.
Step 9 Choose the size of the circuit from the Size pull-down menu.
The valid circuit sizes for an Ethernet Multicard circuit are STS-1, STS-3c and STS-6c.
Step 10 Verify that the Bidirectional checkbox is checked and click Next.
The Circuit Creation (Circuit Source) dialog box opens.
Step 11 From the Node menu, choose the current node as the circ uit source .
Step 12 From the Slot menu, choose the Ethernet card that will carry the circuit and click Next.
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