Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter10 Alarm Monitoring and Management
Alarm Profiles

10.2.5 Viewing Alarms on the LCD

The Critical, Major and Minor alarm LEDs on the fan-tray assembly front panel indicate whether a
critical, major, or minor alarm is present anywhere on the ONS 15454. These LEDs are viewable throu gh
the front door so that you can quickly determine if any ala rms are present on the node. These LEDs are
independent of the Card, Port, and Status indicators on the LCD.
When you press the Slot, Status, or Port buttons on the LCD to toggle to a certain slot or port, the LCD
displays the Critical, Major, or Minor alarm count for the selected slot and port . Figure 10-6 illustrates
the LCD panel.
Figure10-6 The LCD panel

Procedure: View Alarm Counts on a Specific Slot and Port

Step 1 Use the Slot button to toggle to the desired slot number.
Set the slot number to Node to see a summary of alarms f or the node .
Step 2 Use the Port button to toggle to the port.
Step 3 Press the Status button to display the slot and port.
Figure 10-6 shows the LCD panel.
Note A blank LCD results when the fuse on the AIP board is blown. If this occurs, call Cisco TAC at
10.3 Alarm Profiles
The alarm profiles feature allows you to change default alarm severities by creating unique alarm profiles
for individual ONS 15454 nodes. A profile you create can be applied to any node on the network. Alarm
profiles must be stored on a node before they can be applied to a n ode, card , o r p or t. CT C ca n sto re up
to ten alarm profiles; eight are available for custom us e and two are re served. CTC can load an unlimit ed
number of alarm profiles that have been stored on a node, server, or CTC workstation.
The two reserved profiles include the default profile, which sets severities to standard T elcordi a GR-253
settings, and the Inherited profile, which sets all alarm severities to transparent (TR). If an alarm has an
Inherited profile, it inherits (copies) its severity from the same alarms severity at the next level. For
example, a card with an Inherited alarm profile copies the severities used by the node that contains the
card. The Inherited profile is not available at the node level.
Status Port