Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter10 Alarm Monitoring and M anagement
Alarm Profiles Alarm Severity Option

You change or assign alarm severity using a menu. To view this menu, right-click the alarm you want to
change in its alarm profile column. Seven severity levels appear for the alarm:
CR: Critical
MJ: Major
MN: Minor
NR: Not reported
NA: Not alarmed
TR: Transparent
UNSET: Unset/Unknown (not normally used)
Transparent and Unset only appear in alarm profiles; they do not appear when you view alarms, history,
or conditions. Row Display Options

In addition to the alarm profile tabs, the Alarm Behavior ta b displ ays t wo ch eckb oxe s at th e bot tom o f
the screen: Hide default values and Hide identical rows. The Hide default values checkbox highlights
alarms with non-default severities by clearing alarm cells with default severities. The Hide identical rows
checkbox hides rows of alarms that contain the same seve rit y for e ach pr of ile.
10.3.2 Applying Alarm Profiles
In CTC card view, the Alarm Behavior subtab displays the alarm profiles of the s elect ed ca rd. In nod e
view, the Alarm Behavior subtab displays alarm profiles for the node. Alarms form a hierarchy. A
node-level alarm profile applies to all cards in the node, except those that have their own profiles. A
card-level alarm profile applies to all ports on the card, except those that have their own profiles.
At the node level, you may apply profile changes on a card -by -c ard bas is or se t a p rof ile f or the en tire
node. Figure 10-8 shows the profile of a DS-1 card being changed to Inherited at t he no de view.
Table10-6 Alarm Profile Editing Options
Button Description
Store Saves a profile in either a node or a file
Rename Changes a profile name
Clone Creates a new profile that contains the same alarm severity
settings as the highlighted profile (the profile being cloned)
Reset Restores a profile to the state of that profile before it was last
applied or to the state when it was first loaded, if it has not yet
been applied
Remove Removes a profile from the table editor