Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter8 Performance Monitoring
Using the Performance Monitoring Screen
Note If a complete 15-minute interval count is not possible, the value displays with a yellow background.
An incomplete or incorrect count can be caused by changing node timing settings, changin g the time
zone settings on CTC, replacing a card, resetting a card, chang ing port states, or by using the Baseline
button. When a complete count occurs, the subsequent 15-minute interval appears with a white

Procedure: Select Twenty-Four Hour PM Intervals on the Performance Monitoring Screen

Step 1 Open the electrical or optical card of choice. Double-click the cards graphic in the main (node) view or
right-click the card and select Open Card. (Clicking a card once highlights the card only.)
Step 2 From the card view, click the Performance tab.
Step 3 Click the 1 day button.
Step 4 Click the Refresh button. Performance monitoring displays in 24-hour periods synchronized with the
time of day.
Step 5 View the Current column to find PM counts for the current 24-hour period.
Each monitored performance parameter has corresponding thre shold values for the current time period.
If the value of the counter exceeds the threshold value for a particular 24-hour period, a threshold
crossing alert (TCA) will be raised. The value represents the counter for each specific performance
monitoring parameter.
Step 6 View the Prev columns to find PM counts for the preceding 24-hour period.
Note If a complete count over a 24-hour period is not possibl e, t he va lue displ ays wit h a yel low
background. An incomplete or incorrect count can be ca used by c hangi ng no de ti ming se ttin gs,
changing the time zone settings on CTC, replacing a card, resetting a card, changing port states, or
by using the Baseline button. When a complete count occurs, the sub sequent 24-hour period appears
with a white background.
8.1.3 Viewing Near End and Far End PMs
Select the Near End or Far End button depending on the PMs you wish to view. Only cards that al low
both near-end and far-end monitoring have these buttons as an option. Figure 8-3 on pa ge 8-5 shows the
Near End and Far End buttons on the Performance Monitoring screen.