Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
November 2001
Chapter9 Ethernet Operation
Remote Monitoring Specification Alarm Thresholds

9.6.4 MAC Table Screen

A MAC address is a hardware address that physically identifies a network device. The ONS 15454 MAC
table, also known as the MAC forwarding table, will allow you to see all the MAC addresses attached
to the enabled ports of an Ethernet card or an Ethernet Group. This includes the MAC address of the
network device attached directly to the port and any MAC ad dre sses on t he ne two rk linke d t o th e p ort.
The MAC addresses table lists the MAC addresses stored by the ONS 15454 and the VLAN,
Slot/Port/STS, and circuit that links the ONS 15454 to each MAC address (Figure9-25).
Figure9-25 MAC addresses recorded in the MAC table

Procedure: Retrieve the MAC Table Information

Step 1 Click the Maintenance > EtherBridge > MAC Table tabs.
Step 2 Select the appropriate Ethernet card or Ethergroup from th e La ye r 2 D o mai n p ull -down m en u.
Step 3 Click Retrieve for the ONS 15454 to retrieve and display the current MAC IDs.
Note Click Clear to clear the highlighted rows and click Clear All to clear all displayed rows.

9.6.5 Trunk Utilization Screen

The Trunk Utilization screen is similar to the Line Utilization screen, but Trunk Utilization shows the
percentage of circuit bandwidth used rather than the percentage of line bandwidth use d. Click the
Maintenance > Ether Bridge > Trunk Utilization tabs to view the screen. Choose a time segment
interval from the Interval menu.
Note The percentage shown is the average of ingress and egress traffic.
9.7 Remote Monitoring Specification Alarm Thresholds
The ONS 15454 features Remote Monitoring (RMON) that allows network operators to monitor the
health of the network with a Network Management System (NMS). For a detailed description of the ONS
SNMP implementation, see Chapter11, SNMP.
MAC Address
MAC Address
MAC Address
ONS 15454
Slot 4,
port 1
Slot 5,
port 1
attached to
optic port Slot 6,
port 1