Cisco ONS 15454 Installation and Operations Guide
Chapter5 SONET Topologies
Unidirectional Path Switched Rings

Procedure: Enable the UPSR Ports

Step 1 Log into the first UPSR node.
Step 2 Double-click one of the cards that you configured as an SDCC t ermina ti on.
Step 3 Click the Provisioning > Line tabs.
Step 4 Under Status, select In Service for each port that you want enabled.
Step 5 Repeat Steps 2 - 4 for the second card.
Step 6 Click Apply.
You configured a UPSR for one node. Use the same procedures to configure the additional nodes. To
create path-protected mesh networks, see the Path-Protected Mesh Networks section on page 5-50. To
create circuits, see the Circuits Overview section on page6-1.
5.3.3 Adding and Removing UPSR Nodes
This section explains how to add and remove nodes in an ON S 15 454 UPSR co nfi gura tio n. To add or
remove a node, you switch traffic on the affected spans to route traffic away from the area of the ring
where service will be performed. Use the span selector switch option to switch traffic from a UPSR span
at different protection levels. The span selector switch option is useful when yo u need to reroute traffic
from a UPSR span temporarily to add or drop nodes, perform maintenance, or perform other ope rations.

Procedure: Switch UPSR Traffic

Step 1 Display the network view.
Step 2 Right-click the span that will be cut to add or delete a node and select Circuits from the shortcut menu