Editing conference information & permissions









Field description

Usage tips



Conference permissions











Who can

Groups and users who can view the

One of:




view this

conference. Use Check access list

Allow access to all users, including




to validate your entries: they are also



guests: If Allow guest access is selected





checked when you Save.





in Site settings, this field is displayed. If











selected, all users including guests can






view the conference.






Allow access to all authenticated users:






If Allow guest access is not selected in






Site settings, this field is displayed. If






selected, all authenticated (logged in) users






can view the conference.






Allow access to only these






authenticated groups and users: If






selected then only groups or users entered






in the field below can view the conference.






Enter all or part of the name or display






name of the group or user - either one per






line or separated by a semicolon. If only






part of a group or user name has been






entered, then clicking Check access list or






Save adds all matching groups and users






to the list.






Note: After clicking Check access list or






Save, the users entered will have the






following formats:






o Local authentication mode:














Domain authentication mode:







DOMAINNAME (optional)\user.name







LDAP authentication mode:













All groups will be in the format group.name






where the group name is expanded to the






full LDAP name (for example,






“CN=group.name, OU=staff, DC=company,












Note: Only enter groups and users that






have been added to the Groups and users






list on the Content Server (see Adding and






updating groups & users); otherwise, the






entry will be removed when you click






Check access list or Save.




If required, enter a password to

If no password is entered, then users who can





restrict streaming access to this

view the conference in the Conference list, will





conference and the ability to

be able to play the conference and download any





download content. The password is

available content. If a password is entered, users





visible in clear text to editors of this

will need to know the password to stream or





conference and to site managers.

download the conference.









Select to make the conference

When not selected, then the groups and users




available for groups and users

specified in Who can view this conference











Cisco TelePresence Content Server 4.1 printable online


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Cisco Systems D14595.03 Who can, View this, Allow access to all users, including, Guests If Allow guest access is selected