
ATM Switch Router Software Configuration Guide
Chapter14 Configuring LANEmulation
LANE Configuration Examples
Ethernet Example
ATM Switch
ATM_Switch# show lane default-atm-addresses
interface ATM13/0/0:
LANE Client: 47.00918100000000E04FACB401.00E04FACB402.**
LANE Server: 47.00918100000000E04FACB401.00E04FACB403.**
LANE Bus: 47.00918100000000E04FACB401.00E04FACB404.**
LANE Config Server: 47.00918100000000E04FACB401.00E04FACB405.00
note: ** is the subinterface number byte in hex
ATM_Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
ATM_Switch(config)# atm lecs-address-default 47.00918100000000E04FACB401.00E04FACB405.00
ATM_Switch(config)# end
ATM_Switch# copy system:running-config nvram:startup-config
Building configuration...
ATM_Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
ATM_Switch(config)# lane database eng_dbase
ATM_Switch(lane-config-database)# name eng_elan server-atm-address
ATM_Switch(lane-config-database)# default-name eng_elan
ATM_Switch(lane-config-database)# end
ATM_Switch# show lane database
LANE Config Server database table 'eng_dbase'
default elan: eng_elan
elan 'eng_elan': un-restricted
server 47.00918100000000E04FACB401.00E04FACB403.01 (prio 0)
ATM_Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
ATM_Switch(config)# interface atm 0
ATM_Switch(config-if)# lane config database eng_dbase
ATM_Switch(config-if)# lane config auto-config-atm-address
ATM_Switch(config-if)# exit
ATM_Switch(config)# end
ATM_Switch# show lane config
LE Config Server ATM13/0/0 config table: eng_dbase
Admin: up State: operational
LECS Mastership State: active master
list of global LECS addresses (42 seconds to update):
47.00918100000000E04FACB401.00E04FACB405.00 <-------- me
ATM Address of this LECS: 47.00918100000000E04FACB401.00E04FACB405.00 (auto)
cumulative total number of unrecognized packets received so far: 0
cumulative total number of config requests received so far: 0
cumulative total number of config failures so far: 0
ATM_Switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
ATM_Switch(config)# interface atm 0.1 multipoint
ATM_Switch(config-subif)# lane server-bus ethernet eng_elan
ATM_Switch(config-subif)# ip address
ATM_Switch(config-subif)# end