Jog.#.MinusActivate or Jog.#.PlusActivate instructions, and using the Jog.Stop will cause the motor to decelerate to a stop at the Jog.#.Decel rate for the jog that is active.
Jog Acceleration
This parameter is the average acceleration ramp for the specific jog.
Jog Accelerating
This source is active while a jog is accelerating to its target velocity. Once the jog reaches the target velocity, the Jog.#.Accererating bit will turn off.
Jog At Velocity
This source activates when the particular jog has reached its target velocity. It deactivates when accelerating or decelerating to another target jog velocity.
Jog Command Complete
The Jog.#.CommandComplete source activates when the specific Jog completes its deceleration ramp and reaches zero commanded speed. It deactivates when the specific Jog is initiated again.
Jog Command In Progress
The Jog.#.CommandInProgress source is high throughout an entire jog profile. The bit goes high at the start of a jog acceleration ramp, and turns off at the end of a jog deceleration ramp.
Jog Deceleration
This parameter is the average deceleration ramp for the specific jog.
Jog Decelerating
This source turns on at the beginning of a jog deceleration ramp and turns off at the completion of the ramp.
Jog Initiate Minus
This is used inside a program to initiate a specific jog. When this bit is active, jogging motion will be initiated in the
negative direction at the specified jog velocity.
Jog Initiate Plus
This is used inside a program to initiate a specific jog. When this bit is active, jogging motion will be initiated in the positive direction at the specified jog velocity.
Jog Time Base
The time base selects either realtime, which allows velocities, acceleration and deceleration to be based on real time, or synchronized, which allows for an external synchronization signal.
Jog Velocity
This parameter specifies the velocity used for jogging with the Jog.PlusActivate and Jog.MinusActivate destinations or the Jog.#.PlusInitiate and Jog.#.MinusInitiate inside a program. The units for this parameter are specified in the User Units view.
Master Axis Encoder Revolution Counter
In order for this parameter to work properly, a master encoder must be connected to a position feedback module, and the MasterAxis.SpeedFeedbackSelector must be configured properly.
Master Axis Encoder Position
In order for this parameter to work properly, a master encoder must be connected to a position feedback module, and the MasterAxis.SpeedFeedbackSelector must be configured properly.
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