It is important to understand that when compounding indexes together, the acceleration and deceleration will override the index distance. Figure 112 above shows the scenario where the final index in the compound string has a short distance and a slow acceleration ramp. Index 0 will start from a velocity of 500 RPM (Index.1.Vel) and accelerate down to its programmed velocity of 100 RPM at a rate of 100 Revs/Min./Sec. The distance required to accelerate from 500 to 100 RPM is greater than the index distance of 10 Revs. The programmed ramp is always maintained, and therefore the final index will travel greater than 10 Revs, and then travel backwards and finally come to a stop 10 Revs from the point that the index started. Gear.Initiate
Gear.Initiate is used in a program to initiate Gearing motion. The user must specify the Gear Ratio that will determine the velocity and direction of the motion. Since Gear is level sensitive, the gear will remain active until a Gear.Stop instruction is used in the program.
If the program ends while gearing motion is active, the gear will automatically be stopped.
This instruction should not be used within a loop in the user program. If the Gear.Initiate instruction is processed while gearing is active, the program wll hang on this instruction.
9.1.3 From PowerTools Pro
Some views in PowerTools Pro have an Online tab that allow the user to initiate motions while online with the device. The specific views that have Online tabs to initiate motion are the Home View, Jog View, and Index View.
On the Home view Online tab, there is a Start button that will initiate the Home sequence from PowerTools Pro.
On the Jog view Online tab, there are two buttons that will initiate jog motion in the positive and negative directions. The button must be held active to maintain the jog motion. If the button is released, the jog will stop.
On the Index view Online tab, there is a Start button that initiates the specific index that is being displayed in the Index view.
9.2 Stopping Motion
9.2.1 From Assignments
There are numerous different methods that can be used to stop or pause motion using Assignments in the EZMotion module. Listed below are the various assignment destinations. Stop
The Stop destination will, when activated, stop any motion that is active, along with any user programs that are active. Stop is level sensitive, so that while it is active, all motion and programs are prevented from starting. Stop will override any other functions that are active. MotionStop
The MotionStop destination will stop all motion that is currently active. It will not stop any user programs. Stop Motion is level sensitive so that all motion will be prevented from starting while Stop Motion is active. Feedhold
The Feedhold destination will pause all motion (other than gearing) by effectively bringing time to a halt. Feedhold is level sensitive meaning that Feedhold will be active as long as the Destination is held active. When Feedhold deactivates, the motion will continue.
While Feedhold is active, any active motion profiles do not stop, even though the motor will decelerate to zero speed. Even though the motor is stopped, the motion profile remains active. All of the motion attributes will remain active (i.e. In Progress, At Velocity, Accelerating, Decelerating, etc.). For instance, if Feedhold activates while an index is in progress, the motor will stop, but the Index.#.CommandInProgress and Index.#.AtVel will be active just as though the motor is still moving.
The Feedhold ramp is configured in units of Seconds. The same time and distance will be covered during acceleration back to velocity as traveled during deceleration to zero velocity.
Programs continue to process while Feedhold is active. If a program encounters a motion instruction while Feedhold is active, the program will be stuck on that line of the program until Feedhold is deactivated. Profile.#.Feedhold
The Profile.#.Feedhold destination acts the same as Feedhold listed above, however this destination will Feedhold only the motion on a single profile rather than all motion. The profile on which to feedhold motion is specified in the instance segment (# is replaced by 0 or 1 for Profile 0 or Profile 1 respectively). Profile.#.MotionStop
The Profile.#.MotionStop destination acts the same as MotionStop listed above, however this destination will stop only the motion on a single profile rather than all motion. The profile on which to stop motion is specified in the instance segment (# is replaced by 0 or 1 for Profile 0 or Profile 1 respectively).
9.2.2 From Programs
Following are the instruction used to stop the various motion types within a user program. Jog.Stop
The Jog.Stop command is used to stop any jogging motion that is currently active. This command will stop either Jog 0 or Jog 1 without specifying which one to stop.
If jog is active on the alternate profile (Profile 1), then the
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