Figure 116: SM-EZMotion Error Pop-Up Window
The Errors View also contains a Trip Log that lists the 10 most recent drive trips. Trip 0 is listed as the most recent fault with a Trip Time in Years.Days and Hours.Minutes format. Along with the Trip Code, the Trip Log will also store the time before the most recent trip that each trip occurred.
13.3.3 Status Bar
The Status Bar in PowerTools Pro gives a wide variety of information to the user such as Drive Status, Motion Status, Position and Velocity Feedback, and Communications Status. The Status Bar is found along the bottom of the PowerTools Pro screen. Figure 117 shows the Status Bar location
Profile 1 Motion | Position and Velocity Feedback |
Profile 0 Motion
Overall Status
Communications Status
Figure 118: Status Bar Description
The first segment of the status bar gives an overall drive status. It will indicate whether the drive is enabled or not, and will also indicate which programs and motion profiles are active.
The next segment shows what motion is currently running on Profile 0.
The third segment shows what motion is currently running on Profile 1.
The fourth segment shows the current Feedback Position and Feedback Velocity in user units.
The last segment shows the communication status. If PowerTools Pro is online with the system, it will show Connected. If offline, the segment will show Disconnected. If Disconnected, none of the other segments of the status bar will be functional.
Figure 117: PowerTools Pro Status Bar
The Status Bar is broken into 5 segments to clearly display the necessary information.
Figure 118 shows a more detailed view of the Status Bar.
13.3.4 Where Am I?
The Where Am I utility found on the PowerTools Pro Tool Bar allows the user to find what line of a user program is currently being processed. To activate the Where Am I, simply click in the icon on the Tool Bar. A blue arrow will point to the line of the program that is being processed.
For more information on the Where Am I, refer to Section 3 of this manual (Menu Bar or Tool Bar descriptions).
13.3.5 Online View Tabs
Many of the Views in PowerTools Pro have feedback information displayed on an Online Tab. The Online Tab is only visible when PowerTools Pro is communicating with the
The main Online Tab is found on the Status View, and it displays feedback and diagnostic parameters for the over all system. Figure 119 is an example of the Status View - Online Tab.
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