home reference.
Average Acceleration rate used during the home. Units are specified on the User Units View.
This is the average Deceleration rate used at the end of the Home move in user units.
If on sensor... Group
These radio buttons determine how the system reacts if the Home.#.SensorTrigger is already active when the home is initiated.
'Back off before homing' Radio Button
If this radio button is set, the drive will back off the sensor before beginning the home. It does this by moving the direction opposite to that specified by the sign of the home velocity. It continues moving in this direction at the target home velocity until the sensor deactivates. The motor then decelerates to a stop and performs a standard home.
'Go forward to next sensor' Radio Button
If this radio button is set, then the system will ignore the sensor that is active when the home is initiated, and move in the proper direction until the first low to high transition of the Home Reference signal.
Home Offset Group
The Home Offset group has two buttons, the calculated Offset Radio Button and the Specified Offset Radio Button.
Calculated Offset Radio Button
The calculated offset is defined as the distance traveled during deceleration ramp from the home velocity to a stop plus the distance traveled at the home velocity for 1600µs. This extra distance is used to guarantee that the motor will not need to backup after the deceleration ramp.
Specified Offset Radio Button
The specified offset allows the user to choose an exact offset from the Home Reference point.
The commanded motion will stop at exactly the offset distance away from the reference point as specified. If the specified offset is smaller than the calculated offset, the motor will decelerate to a stop and then back up to its final offset position.
Limit Distance
This checkbox enables the specified Home Limit Distance.
The Limit Distance parameter places an upper limit on the incremental distance traveled during a home. If no home reference is found in this distance, the motor will decelerate to a stop at the limit distance and activate the Home.#.LimitDistHit source.
End of Home Position
This parameter defines the position at the completion of the home. This defaults to 0.0 such that at the end of a home, the Feedback Position and the Commanded Position are set to 0.0.
If you wish your Feedback Position to be something other than 0.0 at the end of a home, then enter the exact desired position here.
Below is a diagram of a home using the "Back off before homing" radio box, a Home Reference of "Sensor", and using a "Calculated Offset".
Home Sources and Destinations
Home.AbsolutePosnValid - This source is activated when a Home is successfully completed. It indicates that the device has been homed properly. It is will be deactivated by the Home.#.Initiate destination, an encoder fault, a reboot, or when the device is powered down, unless using Auxiliary Logic Supply (ALP).
Home.AnyCommandComplete - This source is activated when any home motion command is completed. If a drive stop destination is activated before the home has completed, this source will not activate. It will be deactivated when another home is initiated.
Home.#.Accelerating - This source is active while a home is accelerating to its target velocity. Once the home reaches the target velocity, the Home.#.Accelerating source will deactivate. This source will also activate during the "back off sensor" motion before the actual home.
Home.#.AtVel - This source activates when the home reaches its target velocity. It deactivates when a home deceleration ramp begins. Home.#.AtVel will not be activated during the "back off sensor" portion of the home.
Home.#.CommandComplete - The Home.#.CommandComplete source will activate when the specific home completes its deceleration ramp. It will remain active until the specific home is initiated again. If the drive stop destination is used during a home, then the Home.#.CommandComplete will not activate.
Home.#.CommandInProgress - Activated when the Home is initiated and remains active until all motion related to the Home has completed.
Home.#.Decelerating - This source is active while a home is decelerating from its target velocity. Once the home reaches zero velocity (or its' new target velocity), the Home.#.Decelerating source will deactivate. This source will also activate during the "back off sensor" motion before the actual home.
Home.#.LimitDistHit - This source is activated when the home reference is not found before the Home Limit Distance is traveled. It will remain active until the home is initiated again.
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