Gear.Decel functions only when the follower is ramping its speed down after the gearing function has turned off.
Gear Decel Enable
Gear.DecelEnable is a Destination that when it is "on" allows a gear to run a specified decel ramp after the gearing command is turned off.
Gear Decelerating
If Gear.DecelEnable is activated, this source is activated during the time between Gear.Initate = Off and Gear.CommandComplete = On.
Gear Recovery Distance
This variable measures the distance the follower loses from the master. This distance lost is measured between a Gear Initiate and the Gear At Velocity.
SlotX Module Type
This parameter defines the type of module fitted in the specified slot number. This parameter can be found on each of the SlotX views. This parameter is
If the module type specified in the PowerTools Pro EZ configuration does not match the actual module type fitted, the
Home Any Command Complete
This source is active when any home motion command is completed, if a stop is activated before the home has completed the function will not be activated. Inactivated when a home command is executed.
Home Acceleration
This parameter sets the average Acceleration rate used during the home, units are specified on the User Units page.
Home Accelerating
Active during any acceleration while the specified home is in progress. Accelerating may turn off and on again based on the type of Home selected. Accelerating will activate
during the Home back off sensor motion.
Home At Velocity
This source is activated when the home velocity is reached when a the specified home is in progress. It will activate and deactivate base on the home. Home At Velocity will not be activated during back off sensor portion of the home.
Home Calculated Offset
The Calculated offset is the distance travelled during the deceleration ramp from the home velocity to a stop. Calculated by PowerTools.
Home Command Complete
This source is active when the specified home command is completed, if a stop is activated before the home has completed the function or if the Home Limit Distance has been exceeded it will not be activated. Inactive when a home command is executed.
Home Command In Progress
This source is activated when the Home is initiated and remains active until all motion related to the Home has completed.
Home Deceleration
The Deceleration ramp parameter is used during all the home moves specified in user units.
Home Decelerating
This source is active during any deceleration while the specified home is in progress. Decelerating will turn off and on based on the type of Home selected. Decelerating will activate during the Home back off sensor motion.
End of Home Position
This parameter defines the drive position at the completion of a home. Typically used to define the machine coordinate home position.
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