Figure 114: Watch Window Example
To setup the Watch Window, select Tools > Watch Window from the PowerTools Pro menu bar. If not online with the module, Watch Window will be a
The Select Drive Parameters window, as seen in Figure 115, allows the user to specify which parameters are to be viewed in the Watch Window. To select a parameter for the Watch Window, simply click once on the parameter and it will be added to the Watch Window. The parameters already in the Watch Window will be highlighted in the Select Drive Parameters window.
Figure 115: Select Drive Parameters Window
Once a parameter is added to the Watch Window, its current value or state is constantly monitored. If a parameter in the window changes value or state, it will change to a red color.
It will remain red until it hasn't changed for a period of 4 seconds. After 4 seconds, the parameter will turn back to black in color. This allows the user to see what has changed recently without looking directly at every parameter.
The following are descriptions of the buttons and controls on the Select Drive Parameters window:
Clear All - By clicking on the Clear All button, all of the parameters in the Watch Window will be erased.
Save Selections - By clicking on Save Selections, the user
can save the specific parameters that have been added to the Watch Window. Once the selections have been saved, the Restore Selections button can be used to monitor all the same parameters the next time the user opens the Watch Window. Therefore, if there is a list of helpful diagnostic parameters the user wishes to see when online, those specific parameters can be saved and recalled in the Watch Window at any time. The settings are saved in a file named "EZwatch.wch".
Restore Selections - By clicking on the Restore Selections button, the Watch Window will be filled with the list of parameters that were last saved using the Save Selections button.
Select Defaults - The Select Defaults button adds the most commonly used parameters to the Watch Window.
Select I/O - The Select I/O button will add the Drive and Module digital inputs and outputs to the Watch Window.
Close - The Close button will close the Select Drive Parameters window, while the Watch Window will remain open.
Help - The help button will give associated help on the Watch Window setup.
User Level - The User Level setting is a filter for the parameters that are seen in the Select Drive Parameters list. If set to Easy, the parameters used in most basic applications will be seen while the more advanced parameters are hidden. If User Level is set to Detailed, the parameters used in more advanced applications will be added to the list. If set to Too Much, then all parameters available in the system will be seen in the list. This allows the user to select the User Level they are most comfortable with to avoid confusion. If a parameter has been selected and the User Level is changed, then the selected parameter will remain selected.
Group - The Group setting allows the user to filter the parameters that are displayed in the Select Drive Parameters window by group. The Group defaults to "ALL" so that parameters from all groups are seen. If the user wishes to only see those parameters from a specific group, the click on the Group list box and select the group of parameters they wish to see.
13.3.2 Errors View
The Errors View in PowerTools Pro helps the user diagnose problems by displaying any active errors or trips. If online when an error activates, an error
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