Error Code for the specific error. This parameter can be seen while online with PowerTools Pro EZ on the Errors view.
For details on the specific error code, refer to the user guide for the particular option module.
Slot 2 Error Status
If the Unidrive SP trips due to an error in an option module populated in Slot 2, this parameter will store/display the Error Code for the specific error. This parameter can be seen while online with PowerTools Pro EZ on the Errors view.
For details on the specific error code, refer to the user guide for the particular option module.
Slot 3 Error Status
If the Unidrive SP trips due to an error in an option module populated in Slot 3, this parameter will store/display the Error Code for the specific error. This parameter can be seen while online with PowerTools Pro EZ on the Errors view.
For details on the specific error code, refer to the user guide for the particular option module.
SlotX Encoder Lines Per Revolution
This parameter is only available when an
The X in “SlotX” defines the slot number that the
The EncoderLinesPerRev defines the resolution of the encoder hardware. This is equal to the number of lines on the encoder
SlotX Simulated Encoder Denominator
This parameter is only available when an
The X in “SlotX” defines the slot number that the
Output = Enc. Sim. Source * (Enc. Sim. Numerator / Enc. Sim. Denominator)
The range for the Denominator is 0.0001 to 3.0000. This parameter is found on the SlotX view after a
SlotX Simulated Encoder Numerator
This parameter is only available when an
The X in “SlotX” defines the slot number that the
Output = Enc. Sim. Source * (Enc. Sim. Numerator / Enc. Sim. Denominator)
The range for the Numerator is 0.0001 to 3.0000. This parameter is found on the SlotX view after a
SlotX Simulated Encoder Source
This parameter is only available when an
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