delete only a single bookmark, place the cursor on the line for which you wish to delete the bookmark, and click on the Book Mark icon.
8.3.9 Red Dot Help
If a user program contains an error, the realtime program parser will detect it, and place a red dot next to the line of code with the error. For help on what the particular error is, click on the
8.3.10 Drag In Operands
This icon will bring up the Drag In Operands
8.3.11 Drag In Variables
This icon will bring up the Drag In Variables
This list will easily allow you to find any of the available
8.3.12 Lock Program
Toggling this icon will lock and unlock the program for editing. When locked, the user is not able to modify the program code. After downloading, the program automatically locks to prevent the user from inadvertently changing program statements. To unlock the program, simply click the icon.
8.3.13 Run Program
Clicking on this icon will automatically initiate the program that is currently being viewed. The drive must first be enabled in order to run a program. (Only available while online)
8.3.14 Program Where Am I?
Clicking on this icon will show the line of the program that is currently being executed. A blue arrow will point to the line in the program that was executing when the icon was
The arrow will not continue to follow program flow. If the program is not currently running, then the arrow will point to the top of the program, or to the last line of the program that was processed before it was stopped. (Only available while online)
8.3.15 Stop
This icon is the same as the Stop destination found in the assignments screen. Clicking on this icon will stop all programs and motion. If in motion, the motor will decelerate to a stop using the StopDeceleration ramp value. (Only available while online)
8.3.16 Disable/Enable Error Check
This icon can be used to temporarily disable the program parser. The parser is what detects errors in a user program. When user programs are very large, the parser can take an appreciable amount of time to check the entire program for errors. To avoid this, the user can disable the program parser, enter all of the changes, and then
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