Section 4: Optional features

Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual

June 2013

3-9000-743 Rev S



4.1.2Obtaining optional keys

If you do not have a valid key to enter to enable a feature, you must have the CPU board serial number available, which displays in the Meter MenuKey Manager dialog and the Meter MenuMeter Information dialog, when you contact Daniel to obtain the key. The keys can be given verbally over the phone or they can be e-mailed in a Key file for easy entry.


Web: the “Contact Us” link)

Also see, Daniel MeterLink HelpTechnical Support

4.1.3Optional Ethernet key

The optional Ethernet access feature allows the meter to communicate with the Daniel MeterLink software via the meter’s Ethernet port. This feature is enabled/disabled via the Eth1Key data point.

For Ethernet communication, the optional Mark III Ethernet adapter cable (Daniel P/N 3-3400-079) is required.

4.1.4Optional data log access key

The optional data log access feature allows the reading of the meter’s hourly, daily, audit, alarm, and system log data using Daniel MeterLink. This feature is enabled/disabled via the LogAccessKey data point.

4.1.5Optional GC interface key

The optional GC interface feature allows the meter to read gas property data (composition and heating value) from a Daniel gas chromatograph. The meter can use the gas composition data to (a) calculate AGA8 compressibilities for converting volumetric flow rate and volumes to standard (base) condition, (b) calculate AGA8 density for calculating mass rate and mass totals, and (c) to optionally calculate the AGA10 sound velocity (see below). The meter can use the GC- reported gas heating value to calculate the energy rate and totalized energy values. This feature is enabled/disabled via the GCKey data point.

The optional GC interface feature requires the use of the Option Board serial port (Port C).


Obtaining optional keys