Section 6: Meter operation

Reference, Installation, and Operations Manual

June 2013

3-9000-743 Rev S



Table 6-16 GC Communication status list

GCComm status value

Error description




GC response message (RTU protocol) incomplete.




GC gas property data spans more than one update.



6.5.5GC data validity

The GC-read gas property data validity is indicated by the AreGasPropertiesInvalidGC data point. The data is considered invalid if any of the conditions listed in Table 6-17is true. These conditions are indicated by the Daniel MeterLink Monitor page Field I/O indicator.

Table 6-17 GC-read gas property invalid conditions


Data Point





Invalid or expired GC feature key (see Section 4.1.5).




Option Board Port C is not available (Option Board probably disconnected).




Option Board Port C improperly configured (such as if configured without using the Daniel


MeterLink Field Setup Wizard).




Unrecognized gas component ID.




Specified gas stream (GCStreamNumber) not found within the specified period (GCDe-






GC reported alarm (GC Alarm1 bits 14 and/or 15 set, GC Alarm2 bits 0, 1, 2, and/or 3 set).




Not presently used - reserved for future use.




Refer to communication error conditions listed in Table 6-16.




The total unnormalized gas composition mole percentage is not within [85%, 115%].




An individual gas composition mole percentage is not within [0%, 100%].




The specific gravity is not within [0.2, 0.8].




The heating value is greater than 50 kJ/dm3.

6.5.6GC alarm handling

The following data points are included in the meter’s alarm log (see Section 6.6.4): Are- GasPropertiesInvalidGC, IsGCAlarmPresent, IsGCCommErr, GCCommStatus, and IsGCDataErr.


GC data validity